What We Do
ARCHIVE’s work is aimed at improving health outcomes for at-risk and vulnerable communities around the world. Each project focuses on a built environment intervention targeted at a specific health concern and encompasses components of research, design, and advocacy. Communities of need exist in high, middle, and low-income countries, and our projects reflect that. We are always seeking new opportunities to see how the built environment can have a positive impact on a family’s and community’s health. We believe that health starts in the home, and in turn radiates out from there into its community.
The list of projects below reflects a number of health concerns and interventions we have explored but is by no means an exhaustive list. We continue to learn, investigate, and develop projects that respond to the needs of different communities worldwide.
Ivory Coast Handwashing Stations to Combat COVID-19 in Savar, Bangladesh
Savar, Bangladesh Mud to Mortar
Savar and Dhamrai Upazila, Bangladesh Ekibada: Our Periods Matter
Maina Parish, Mayuge District, Uganda Health and Housing in Haiti
Saint-Marc, Haiti Building Malaria Prevention
Yaoundé, Cameroon Building Sanitation in Idenau
Idenau Municipality, Cameroon Sanitation for Health in Delhi
Aya Nagar, Delhi, India Happy Healthy Households
Brent and Newham, London, UK Breathe Easy Camden
Camden County, New Jersey, United States Active Aging in NYC: Design for Health
New York, NY, USA CHAI Mosquito-Proof Housing in Namibia
Districts of Mashosho, Simanya, Onoonga, Oupale, Onandjamba A, Omatako, Namibia Building out Chagas
Bolivia Healthy Air, Healthy Living
Oromia, Ethiopia