Rod Cadman, who has been volunteering for ARCHIVE to build healthy homes, shares with us all his personal experience. Here is an extract of his ¨dream¨.
When you walk the streets of St-Marc, Haiti, meeting the locals, learning Creole and acknowledging a wave, a nod, or a handshake you get the feeling of being part of a dream.
I am proud to be actively involved in this innovative project volunteering to make this dream come true. I have learnt a great deal in the months I have spent at the site. Despite of the inherent constraints, countless volunteers, architects, local organizations and engineers are working tirelessly to bring this unique project to life.
I wish them God’s speed and I am very excited to know about all the accomplishments; building the first two houses, providing fresh water and sanitation. I hope that what my volunteer partner, Tom Eden and I have started will open the gate and let this project move forward. Thank you all. Click and enjoy the pictures!