In June we began construction on our Breathe House design in Haiti with the help of our fantastic partners the and the reCOVER initiative from the University of Virginia.
The entire ARCHIVE team is extremely grateful for the assistance we received from both groups, without whom this achievement would not have been possible. Their generously donated time was spent working with the local community towards a common aim, that of improving health through housing innovation. The most successful development projects are those which integrate the local community and that has been ARCHIVE Global’s aim in Haiti. The Breathe House is designed to improve health and is specifically made to be easily assembled without high levels of technical expertise. This means that the community can replicate the health benefits by creating more houses with the same design. This level of community participation is intended to mean that the effects of our work in Haiti will be long-lasting and sustainable.
Many thanks again to our wonderful volunteers who help ARCHIVE Global tackle health inequities worldwide.